The role of 3D cameras in industrial image processing cannot be overestimated. They enable precise, three-dimensional detection of objects, which significantly improves quality control and automation in production lines. By adding an extra dimension over conventional 2D systems, they open up new possibilities for a wide range of applications, from robotics to warehouse management. With their potential to transform industrial processes, 3D cameras are at the forefront of technological innovation.

Reto Moser from CHROMOS Industrial shows the Blaze 3D camera from Basler


Time-of-flight (ToF) 3D cameras are advanced sensors that measure the time it takes light to travel from the camera to an object and back to create a depth map of the scene. They continuously emit pulses of light and measure the time it takes for the light to travel back and forth. This data is then used to calculate the distance between the camera and each point on the object, resulting in an accurate 3D image. ToF technology provides fast and accurate depth measurements, making it ideal for 3D modeling and mapping.

Stereo 3D

Stereo 3D cameras work on the principle of stereoscopy, which is similar to human eyes, to create three-dimensional images. They consist of two slightly offset camera lenses that capture two slightly different images of the same object, similar to the way a person's two eyes see different perspectives. By combining these two images in a process called stereo correlation, they can calculate the depth information of each point in the image and create an accurate 3D model of the scene. Stereo 3D cameras offer high depth resolution and are particularly good in natural light environments.

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